Hola amigos, our trip from Bonaire to Puerto Rico was great! The first day and night was a little rough and we got a little wet, but it calmed
down and the rest of the trip was nice. We were close hauled the whole way. This was our longest trip yet and we would do it again!! We traveled a total of 375 nautical
miles, our average speed was 5 knots, our maximum speed was 10.3 knots and our moving time was 74 hours and 33 minutes. We left Bonaire at 7:00 AM on Thursday and arrived and anchored down in Boqueron,
Puerto Rico, which is on the western coast, at 9:37 AM on Sunday.
Another cruiser, Jim and Norma on Mi'lady, came over Sunday after we had anchored and told us he had arranged to have Raul,
the local taxi driver, take a few cruisers over to Mayaguez to check in, the process was not too bad. The next day we went back with Raul to Mayaguez to provision, again with several other cruisers, and found a huge mall with every American store you can think of - from Walmart to Radio Shack and grocery stores too. We stocked up for our time in the was like being back in the states, we haven't seen alot of these things since we left the states in November 2005. It's funny we were looking at possible TV shows to download on the internet and we didn't recognize any of the's been awhile :)

Boqueron is a very nice anchorage. The town was once a small fishing settlemnt, now it is a popular tourist and college hangout. During the week it is very quiet and peaceful, but Saturday and Sunday it comes alive with street vendors and people fill the streets. They sell alot of oysters and clams. The
beaches also fill up with people.
They have a lot of these bungaloes along the beach, it looks like day rentals and they have kitchens and barbeques right along the beach. There are alot of jet skis and power boats out on the weekends and the Police were out this Sunday, giving tickets for those going too fast.
We did laundry for ourselves for the first time since we left Sint Maarten. They usually have laundries that do it for you - local work. This is the laundromat - the machines were clean but they dryers took forever........we were there for hours and hours.... :(
Adios, Mike and Kim
Another cruiser, Jim and Norma on Mi'lady, came over Sunday after we had anchored and told us he had arranged to have Raul,
We are now waiting for a weather window to head to the Turks and Caicos. From there we will start heading up through the Bahamas and then to the States. It looks like we might leave this Friday, the 23rd. We anticipate the trip to be approximately 300 miles, which should take us about 60 hours. We should have a beam reach or a tail wind, so the ride should be very comfortable :)
Adios, Mike and Kim
what fabulous pictures - loved the dog & a really good looking guy and a pretty pair of legs!! keep up the good work( or I mean play)mp