Hello all, and hello to Mary who works with Kim's sister Linda at the City of Reno. We met her yesterday on the phone call to Linda that we made using Skype. We can call from our boat (because we have free wireless connection in the bay were in) and it only costs $.02 a minute. It is a very slow connection so if you get a call from us, be patient and listen as there is a delayed reaction
So the adventure continues in Union Island in the Grenadines, we anchored at Frigate Island, just around the corner from the main town of Clifton. We were able to dinghy over there passing through a reef and going on the inside. We explored the island a bit, but mainly provisioned here for our visit to Petit St. Vincent and Petit Martinique. At Frigate Island construction started on a large development, including a 300-berth marina. the company went bankrupt, and the the project stopped. now the mainland is connected to Frigate Island, and there are unfinished docks throughout the bay. It's really a shame, we think the bay was probably very beautiful at one time. It seems that abandoned, bankrupt projects are common in the Caribbean and the sites are just left to rot.

We got our vegetables from a lady in Union. She had a recipe for everything and we finally found out how to eat Passion fruit.....you don't....you take the seeds out, mash it with some milk or water, add some sugar and then discard the seeds. We we told her we ate the seeds, she laughed, shook her head and said not good. We also got directions on how to better prepare soursop, cook the Caribbean pumpkin, plaintains and lots more. Some of the people we meet are just great.
We found the local

hotsauce to be very spicy...and as the name implies..its some very potent stuff!! After provisioning in Clifton we headed out the Petite St. Vincent to check it out and meet up with Second Wind and Unplugged. Cheers Mike and Kim