Check out the bottom of the page for two new videos of Kristopher and Kim jumping off a cliff on the Big Island of Hawaii.
The view from the lanai of the restaurant is incredible and below the restaurant are the Kahauloa Coffee Estate and Kealakekua Bay. The food was the BEST! If you ever make it over to the Kona Coast, you have got to eat their. Kona also has some of the best coffee, Kristopher and Amber had given us some for Christmas and we liked it sooo much, they sent us home with a couple more bags!
We shared our table with some Gold Dust Day Gecko's who happen to love Jelly. Amber took these great shots! These guys were not shy at all, they just hung around looking pitifully at you until you forked over the jelly bowls. We were very happy to oblige.
We have to introduce you to Pupu, Kristopher and Amber's dog. Pupu in Hawaiian means appetizer and unfortunately right before
we came some Pit bull took the meaning literally. If you look at the picture on the right, that Pupu so graciously posed for or was she asleep...hmm... you can barely make out the pit bull's teeth marks. Amber and Kris were at the beach
one day and Kristopher was in the water surfing. Amber and Pupu were just playing on the beach when this Pit bull came up (not on a leash) and grabbed Pupu by the neck and started swinging her like a rag doll. The owner was right there and he, Amber and a few other people were trying to pull the pit bull dog off. They finally managed to get them apart and poor Pupu was very distraught. They sent someone into the water to get Kristopher and he and Amber took care of Pupu. The owner of the dog had rescued the Pit bull and the wife was a holistic veterinarian, so they took Pupu to his wife to treat the wounds. Pupu needed more medical attention later and the owner's of the pit bull paid for everything without problem. It is very cool that people adopt and rescue any animal, but when you get an animal that may not be social - please remember to keep them on a lease so that they cannot hurt anyone!!!!
tempt you with!
The picture at the left was something out of the movies. We were driving down a mountain road and all of a sudden Kristopher starts to cross a river but instead of crossing the river he turns and starts to go up the river - I was thinking uh-oh I hope we
Here's Kristopher killing coconuts again..surfing is thirsty work!
This is another horsey we came across while traveling to the next destination.
This is another horsey we came across while traveling to the next destination.
Pupu would like to ADAMANTLY, yet respectfully, request that any dog not capable of getting along with others be put on a leash!!