Aloha we're currently in beautiful Oahu, Hawaii. The plan is to leave on Thursday, February 14th, for a shakedown day sail and overnight anchor. On Friday, February 15th we'll be heading across the Pacific Ocean bound for our first stop in the Marshall Islands, Majuro Atoll. We'll do some diving there, then head out to Pohnpe, Truk (Chuuk), Palau and lastly Cebu, Philippines. There will be lots of diving along the way at some incredible sites. We'll

be updating the Blog site with written updates via the SSB radio along the way, and if we ever get a good internet connection we will put some updates with photos in.

We're traveling on the s/v Sugarcane which is currently docked in the Ala Wai Harbour. Sugarcane is a 55 foot Gulfstar Ketch Rig. The vessel is captained by Jerry Logan and we have a crew of three.

Originally we had a crew of four, Mike and I, John and Ian. John was the Mechanic/Fisherman and all around great guy, he is moving on to better opportunities.

Ian the Dive Instructor. Ian has gone back to Viet Nam working as a dive instructor. Unfortunately, we lost John and Ian, we will miss them we were looking forward to traveling with them.

The good news is that we found Bill, a retired Fire Fighter/Paramedic and a Mechanical Engineer. So now there are three.

It's taken us three weeks to get the boat ready, but the previous crew had already done two months worth of work. Then there is Dave the electrician/mechanic/magician and fixer of all things (except changing light bulbs) who has been a tremendous help in getting the boat ready. He lives here in Ala Wai Harbour on a Coast Guard boat that he bought and is refurbishing. He is retired Coast Guard.

We've had Sunday's off and have managed a few escapes between work while we've been here. We took a bus to the North Shore and saw the Pipeline unfortunately the waves were not breaking.

We accidently got off the bus too soon, and weren't quite sure where we were, but no worries we found something to do while we were there. It was a little local area, with a local park. Later that day we stopped somewhere on the North Shore for a great mexican food lunch and some cervesa. When we were leaving to catch the bus home we had a downpour hit and were starting to get soaked when a guy comes up to us with an umbrella and shares it with us...very cool... he helped us get the right bus back into Honolulu and catch the right bus back to marina. I know it's an island and it should be pretty straightforward to get around a circle...but look who your dealing with...we will get off the bus just to look at a beach, or a boat, or a person or a..well you get the picture :))))

We also visited Waikiki beach many times for swimming, sun, good food, drinks and sunsets, our favorite pastimes.

It's very crowded here in Honolulu but we have enjoyed our stay. To the left is the world famous Dukes. We tried to get in there and have a drink and look up an old friend from Huntington Beach who is a manager there, but it was soooo packed, we chose to walk.
As always we hope you all (or y'all) are doing well and we will be checking in when and if we can, we wish you a warmer, dryer and sunnier winter......

Aloha and Cheers Mike and Kim currently on the s/v Sugarcane