We are definitely getting back to socialization - we bought a car. It's a 1997 Cherokee Jeep Sport. We bought it from Ryan a nice guy who lives right in downtown Savannah Georgia in this great old building, maybe from the 1800's. We can't wait to go back and be tourists. We
understand Savannah is the most haunted city in the world....ooohhhh. Anyway the car is great, but we are going through a lot of red tape to get it registered. We can't register it if we aren't Georgia residents...well we said, we are transients can't we buy it anyway...NO. So now we have to prove we are residents (which we are not), then surrender our license and we can get Georgia driver's license. One problem, Mike lost his wallet in Bonaire so he has no driver's license....it gets better. Georgia told us to call California and have them fax Mike's information and then they could work with us. California said - uh uh - we haven't faxed in years, have Georgia call and we will fax to them. Georgia said - uh uh - we can't call, they can mail to you. We want to go back to Venezuela where there are no rules :) Well we are working on the problem and we have thirty days to get it registered. Did we tell you that there are no plates on the car..oh ya..the license plates go with the person not the car here in Georgia and in New York where the vehicle is actually registered, so we are driving around with no plates. If you happen to get a phone call from us, it may be to bail us out of jail :( The good news is that we were able to get insurance on the vehicle, so were covered there. The insurance guy was Mike. and his mother and daughter office staff were from California. The mother was from San Mateo, where Kim worked and they later lived in Vacaville where Mike's grandfather lived.
On to better things, we have an internet connection so we can catch up on the picture updates. I think our last picture update was in the Exuma Cays in the Bahamas, so we have a lot to share with you.
Will start back tracking now and put some Bahama pictures and updates in. Hope everyone is doing great!
Cheers Mike and Kim on Ka'imi