The time is slipping by. It seems like it is taking forever, but our lists keep getting longer, making the time left insufficient....I wonder why that is. Mike has given his notice at work, so our time to leave has been narrowed to mid November. Kim will give her notice on September 2nd and there will be no living with her then! We are still working on the duplex, we need to paint inside one unit and finish a little bit of landscaping at both units. The hard part is going through the cabinets and deciding what to throw away, what to keep, what to give away and what to garage sale. We have very little room on the boat for personal things so the decisions are tough, but it will be nice when were done and minimized. Our excitement is growing, if you know us and see us and we have this huge smile on our faces, you know why!!! That's all for now. Cheers Mike and Kim
In an age when mass society has rendered obsolete the qualities of individual courage and independent thought, the oceans of the world still remain, vast and uncluttered, beautiful but unforgiving, awaiting those who will not submit. Their voyages are not an escape, but a fulfillment. THE SLOCUM SOCIETY
Friday, July 22, 2005
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Family and Friends
We hope this blog will let us communicate with our family and friends while we are out and about in this great big world. We don't want anybody worrying about us if we don't post at regular intervals, it just means we are having too much fun to stop and check in, but neither of us were very good at doing that while we were land based, so I think most of you will understand.
You can also leave posts for us to let us know how your doing or what you think. Our regular email addres will be We will be able to pick up email at this address while we are on land and can find an internet cafe or library. We will also have email on board as soon as we set it up, but those emails must be short and sweet with no attachments at all. We will have ten minutes a day to look at and reply to messages at that address.
Cheers Mike and Kim
You can also leave posts for us to let us know how your doing or what you think. Our regular email addres will be We will be able to pick up email at this address while we are on land and can find an internet cafe or library. We will also have email on board as soon as we set it up, but those emails must be short and sweet with no attachments at all. We will have ten minutes a day to look at and reply to messages at that address.
Cheers Mike and Kim
Starting Out
We are Mike and Kim and we're starting our new life living aboard s/v Ka'imi. Ka'imi is a 42' Vagabond sailboat and we will be starting our new life in Sint Maarten, Nethe
rlands Antilles where she is currently on the hard for hurricane season. We plan to leave by November 1, 2005 and start preparing her for our life aboard and all around...We bought Ka'imi in April of 2005, she was the boat we wanted and we got her. We have some repairs to do on her while she is in dry dock, then we'll launch her in Simpson Bay and live out there on the hook until we finish preparing and provisioning her then head out for a few shake down cruises. Once we have most of the bugs worked out, we'll reprovision in Sint Maarten, where prices are good for the area then start sailing down through the Caribbean stopping wherever we choose and get out of the hurricane belt by June of 2006.

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